Monday, October 2, 2017

Something Isn't Right

Woke up anxious and looked at my phone
Wrong thing I know-- but there it was again
Violence unbridled-- lots of folks dead, done
I made sure not to look at the news again.

Friday, September 29, 2017

A Wasted Day

There have been so many of them
Morning -- Noon-- Afternoon--
Work And Work And Work again
The first shift,
The second shift,
Remember the milk
And the after school stuff.

That is just the way the cookie crumbles.
Time passes,
Trees change.
From the noisy, freezing air conditioning,
to over the top heating,
to the children's new tees.

Facebook reminds me-
A year ago you posted this picture and
you see this shiny eyed
Little boy
Who loved you
Once Upon A Time.