Sunday, June 26, 2011

Writing Block and Bossypants

Been such a long time since I last wrote here.Think about writing all the time,life and my habit of procrastination intervenes.I read a lot and fancy myself as a writer, so it's really not good for my psyche to be quiet on paper and I admit there is a certain hubris to seeing your own words on the screen and thanks to the web all of us seem to have a voice.
Just read Bossypants by Tina Fey. The book apart from being funny(could not expect any less from her) has a real feel of her life so far. As a mother, I identify with her advice of hiding in the bathroom(been there, done that)and with the angst of deciding when to have children. I really enjoy her unabashed enjoyment of her job, she keeps calling it the best job in the world and even though I am not a comedy writer(except in my best dreams),I identify with her passion for her work.I loved finding feminism in the anecdotes that she chooses to tell and most importantly that the book is not a tell-all.A must read.As my husband says, he wishes that Sarah Palin would run for president so that he could see Tina Fey acting as Ms.Palin on SNL. Second that.

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